![Dániel Bence Papp as an Apple Memoji waving hello while smiling](/sticker.png)
I'm Dániel B. Papp, A part-time lead full-stack developer and a full-time international student at Old Dominion University, pursuing a Master of Science in Computer Science degree. Web-based UI development and web application development are not only my specialty but my passion, as they have been since 2016.
For the past few years, I've had the honor of working with the Engineering Management & Systems Engineering department at ODU on a special project in revolutionizing online academia. While building the MVP with a group of 8 other engineers we successfully deployed a Front-End, a custom UI component library, and a GraphQL API using a traditional JavaScript and TypeScript stack. To go along with our Learning Management Platform, I started the solo-development of an Advanced Machine Learning model that predicts the student's likelihood of success in their given learning topic based on their learning patterns and prior professional experiences. This application, written primarily in Python, will be demoed as my Master's capstone project in the summer of 2023.
More recently, I've started my web development brand, Triple P Digital, working with clients such as The Regal Group and the National Cannabis Risk Management Association. This experience allowed me to gain insight into everything that goes into running a web agency such as, being responsible for accounting, and even running automatic analytics on client websites.
On the projects page, you'll see some of my work, completed both professionally and for educational purposes. If you want to learn more about me, you can check out my resume on the works page, or take a look at the about page.